CODICIL WHEREAS, on ___________________, I, ___________________, executed my last will and testament, and; WHEREAS, I revoked said last will and testament by _______________ __________________________________________________________; and, WHEREAS, it is now my intention to ratify said will; I NOW PUBLISH THIS CODICIL to my last will and testament of ___________________: I ratify and reaffirm said will and confirm that the will executed on ___________________ is my last will and testament. Dated: ______________________ ________________________________ ___________________, TESTATOR I herewith affix my signature to this codicil on this the ____________ day of ________________________________, 19___ at ________________________________________, in the presence of the following witnesses, who witnessed and subscribed this codicil at my request, and in my presence. ATTESTATION CLAUSE On the date above written, ___________________, well known to us declared to us, and in our presence, that this instrument, consisting of _____ pages, is a codicil to their last will and testament, and ___________________, then signed this instrument in our presence, and at ___________________'s request we now sign this codicil as witnesses in each other's presence. Further that ___________________, appeared to us to be of sound mind and lawful age, and under no undue influence. Witness: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Witness: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Witness: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ STATE OF _______________) COUNTY OF ______________) Before me, the undersigned authority authorized to take acknowledgments and administer oaths, personally appeared: ___________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ who after being having duly sworn or affirmed to tell the truth, stated: 1. That ___________________ declared this instrument to be a codicil to their last will and testament to the witnesses. 2. That ___________________ signed this instrument in their presence. 3. That the witnesses signed as witnesses in the presence of ___________________ and each other. 4. That ___________________ is well known to the witnesses, and the witnesses believe ___________________ to be of lawful age, of sound mind and under no undue influence or constraint. ______________________________________________________________ Officer Title of Officer:__________________________________________ My Commission Expires: _________________________